If you are a fan of the Harry Potter franchise, The “Harry Potter 20th Anniversary Return to Hogwarts” might just be the heartwarming moment you need. It is a documentary and a reunion of some sort, where all the cast members get together and give insights and flashbacks about the movies. Some mind-blowing secrets were revealed during this reunion.
Stay tuned to the article if you are curious about finding the secrets revealed. Information was gathered from sources like nbcnews.com, CNET.com, and brightside. Keep up while we present you with 10 of the most unexpected secrets.
The Floating Candles

One of the most surprising aspects of Hogwarts Castle is the floating candles in the Great Hall. The filmmakers revealed that they lit the original candles, which were physical props, on the set. As the film progressed, the filmmakers discovered that using CGI to create floating candles was more efficient.
CGI allowed for greater control over the lighting and movement of the candles while making it easier to shoot scenes from different angles. This change may seem small, but it highlights the attention to detail and commitment to creating a believable, immersive world that characterized the Harry Potter franchise.
Phelps Twins’ Prank

During the reunion, the twins revealed one of their most infamous pranks on fellow cast member Rupert Grint, who played Ron Weasley. One day, the twins secretly placed a fart machine in Grint’s sleeping bag. As Grint settled into bed, the machine began to emit loud and embarrassing noises, causing the entire cast and crew to burst out laughing.
This prank showed the importance of humour and fun on set.
The Animatronic Phoenix

The creators developed the animatronic Phoenix, Fawkes, especially for “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.” Actor Richard Harris, who played Albus Dumbledore, was moved to tears when he saw the animatronic bird in action. The designer created Fawkes to move and behave like a real bird, with the ability to flap its wings, turn its head, and even shed tears.
This shows the filmmakers’ commitment to bringing the magical world of Harry Potter to reality.
Deleted Scenes

“Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” had some interesting deleted scenes revealed at the reunion. Some of these scenes add new dynamics to the relationships between characters, including a scene where Harry and Ron visit Hermione in the hospital wing after she gets petrified and a scene where Dumbledore meets with Lucius Malfoy.
The filmmakers ultimately cut these scenes for time. Their inclusion in the celebration highlights the importance of character development and relationships in the Harry Potter franchise.
Hermione Granger

According to J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, Hermione’s ethnicity was never explicitly stated in the books, leaving the character open to different interpretations. The filmmakers discussed casting a Black or an Asian actress for the role but ultimately decided to stick with Emma Watson.
This revelation highlights the importance of diversity and representation in media. Additionally, it implies the potential impact of decisions made by creators and filmmakers on their audience.
Alan Rickman and J.K. Rowling

Alan Rickman was the beloved actor who played Severus Snape in Harry Potter. He earned recognition for his exceptional performance and dedication to comprehending his character. During the reunion, it was revealed that Rickman deeply understood Snape’s backstory. J.K. Rowling had revealed them to him early on in the filming process.
Helen McCrory

Another surprising fact revealed in the reunion was Bellatrix Lestrange‘s role. Helen McCrory was previously auditioned for the role. However, it ultimately went to Helena Bonham Carter. McCrory’s talent impressed the filmmakers so much that they specifically created the role of Narcissa for her.
Behind the Scenes Fun

During the reunion, the cast shared several pranks and practical jokes, including the Phelps Twins‘ prank on Rupert Grint. They convinced him that his car was being stolen. These moments contributed to a collaborative work environment, leading to better production.
Growth Spurts

During the Harry Potter films, the young actors portraying the main characters grew up quickly and sometimes shot up several inches in height in a short amount of time. To address this, the filmmakers had to adjust camera angles, costumes, and sets to accommodate the actors’ growth.
Cast and Crew Family

One of the most heartwarming aspects of the Harry Potter films is the sense of family developed within the cast. During the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary Return to Hogwarts, several cast and crew members shared stories of the friendships and bonds that they formed on set. The cast and crew fostered a collaborative and supportive work environment. It was dedicated to creating a truly magical world that captivated audiences worldwide.
Thus, “The Harry Potter 20th Anniversary Return to Hogwarts” provided insights for the fans into making their beloved film series. These reveals deepen the connection to the series and highlight the dedication and attention to detail that went into making the films. The celebration reminded fans of the magic and wonder of the Harry Potter world and reinforced the importance of collaboration, representation, and supportive work environments in the film industry.