Jesus was considered the sun because Jesus Mythology includes an ancient Egyptian sun worship’s symbol which indicates that Jesus was the incarnation of the Sun.
Sun worship, also known as sun deity and solar deity, is a belief in the sun as a god. The sun is the source of light and life, an unblinking and all-seeing eye, a source of wisdom, and a firm guarantor of justice.
Sun worship can be found throughout most of recorded history in different ways. Since ancient times, multiple religions practice sun worship illustrating various symbolic references. It’s because the sun is a major center of life and was seen as incredibly powerful.
In this entry, we explore sun worship and ancient beliefs, the interpretation of Jesus as a symbol of the sun and its historical depictions whether Christianity is influenced by the sun worship, what the bible verses symbolize the sun, and much more. In writing this article, we referred to several sources including Britannica, Wikipedia, bible knowing Jesus, and YouTube.
Sun Worship and Symbolism in Ancient Beliefs
Earlier civilizations realized the power of the sun and venerated it as a God. Civilizations related to agriculture was seen the sun as powerful since it provides heat, light, energy, and fertility and controlled their yield.
Urban civilizations were united with a strong theory of sacred kingship. It was which kings ruled by the power of the sun and stated originating from it. The figure of the sun as the ruler of both upper and lower worlds, which he visits daily, controls everything with the almost qualities of sovereignty, justice, wisdom, and the power of charity.
The Solar deity which there are various gods and goddesses worshiped by people around the world.
- Ra- The sun god of Egyptians
- Surya– The god of Hindus
- Sol– Sun goddess of Norse
- Helios, Apollo- Sun gods worshiped by Greeks
Visit here to see more list of solar deities.
Jesus as a Symbol of the Sun
The solar nature of Jesus Christ existed earlier and can be found in the Bible itself; “the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings” in Malachi 4:2. Also nearly all the ancient commentators understand Jesus, who is supposed to be described as the sun and continued for centuries afterward. He was also called “the light of the world” (John 8:12), “the bright morning star” (Revelation 22:16) and his coming brings hope and salvation (Luke 2:11)
As the sun gives light and dispels darkness, Jesus gives spiritual light and dispels ignorance. Just as the sun guides the stars, Jesus guides humanity. Sun is the soul of the world, and Jesus is the spiritual soul of Christians. In most of the ancient portraits, the sun is expertly placed directly behind Jesus’s head representing the Sun God, Light of the world.

Christianity and Sun Worship
In the Christian faith, Jesus is frequently represented as the sun to illustrate his resurrection. But Christians don’t allow sun worship.
Many of the stories in the Bible about Jesus demonstrate him bringing light into darkness. Probably, the most accurate of all astrological symbols is around Jesus considering the 12 disciples. They’re simply the 12 constellations of the zodiac which Jesus being the sun travels about with.
Biblical References to the Sun and Light
“From the rising of the sun to the setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised”– Psalm 113:3
Hundreds of Bible verses mention the sun in various forms including God created the sun, sunrise bible verses, sun worship, and psalms about the sun.
Further, Jesus was compared to the sun and represented as the light of the world. Malachi 4:2, Luke 1:78- 79, Psalm 84:11, Isaiah 9:2, Habakkuk 3:4, Mathew 17:2, 2 Corinthians 4:6, and Revelation 1:16 are some of them.
“For the Lord God is a sun and shield, The Lord gives grace and glory, No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” – Psalm 84:11
These numerous scriptures suggest Jesus as a symbol of the sun. Probably means Jesus is the light of the world; to the people who live in darkness.
Historical Depictions of Jesus as the Sun
The most evident reason Jesus can be considered as a Sun God is Jesus is frequently depicted with a Halo, a circle of light around his head representing his divinity.
In addition, many Bible stories mention the involvement of Jesus in bringing light into darkness. For example, the birth sequence of Jesus can be seen as an appearance of a solar messiah. On December 24th, the brightest star, Sirius aligns with the three brightest stars of Orion’s belt, earlier named as Three Kings, pointing to the place of the sunrise.
December 25th is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, and after that, the days get long again. This also could be seen as a symbol of hope and a new start.
Understanding Sun Worship in Christian Context
Various earlier cultures commonly worshiped the sun, more accurately sun deities including Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and Banglonians. Because for them, the sun was the most powerful object known to man.
In Christianity, sun worship isn’t accepted and it’s disguised as truth. But their most prominent symbol, the cross is the ancient sun symbol. Also their god, Jesus is a symbol of the sun. The shining example is the ancient artworks representing Jesus.
Symbols and allegorical interpretations are utilized by all the religions of the world. They differ according to their religion and traditions. Simply they are the keys to forward religious concepts and the visual/auditory/kinetic illustration of religious ideas and events.
However, what beliefs you accept, the important thing is to respect religious diversity. Because religious freedom is a universal human right as well as it may help to build a peaceful society.
Since ancient times, people believe in various myths, rituals, symbols, and beliefs varying on different religious traditions. After going through the article, you will discover, Is Mythology considered as one aspect of religion?
Simply many people preferred to worship the sun god, their ancestors had always worshiped. Bible itself illustrates Jesus as the Sun God as well as the ancient artworks and mosaics. However, the sun was created as a good offering to benefit all of the world including human beings. Our response should be also to thank God for the Sun!
Yes. There are numerous biblical verses about the sun.
Bible mentions in several places Jesus as the sun.
Yes, Jesus is called as Light of the world because Jesus gives the spiritual light.
Psalm 84: 11- “For the Lord God is a sun and shield.”
No, in Christianity Sun worship is not allowed.
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